Pioneer Updates - Pro Farmer Crop Tour - Day 4

Pioneer Updates - Pro Farmer Crop Tour - Day 4

Day 4 Eastern & Western Routes

Iowa City, IA → Rochester, MN

Map - Day 4 - eastern Iowa - Minnesota

Spencer, IA → Rochester, MN

Map - Day 4 - western Iowa - Minnesota

Pioneer Leader - Eastern & Western - Ashley Storby, Field Agronomist

South-Central MN

Ashley Storby - Pioneer Field Agronomist


Overall, the soybean crop looks to have good potential despite the environmental headwinds.


Crop Conditions - South-Central Minnesota

- Ashley Storby


  • Some areas in south-central MN have received double their typical annual rainfall as of early August.

    Ponding on a farm near Alden MN on June 3

    Ponding on a farm near Alden, MN - June 3.

  • Above average rainfall during the growing season challenged corn planting and timely herbicide applications.

    Ponding on a farm near Albert Lea MN on June 22

    Ponding on a farm near Albert Lea, MN - June 22.

  • Much of the corn crop in the above average rainfall areas is short in height.

    Stress from saturated conditions produced corn with reduced height and low ear placement

    Example of corn in the R1-R2 stage on August 2 near Waldorf, MN. Stress from saturated conditions produced corn with reduced height and low ear placement.

  • Disease onset was early, particularly for common rust. Fluctuations in cool versus warm temperatures has been helpful in stalling disease progress as of early August.

    Common rust symptoms on corn leaf

    Common Rust - June 25 - Hartland, MN.

  • Corn rootworm beetle feeding has been evident in some locations.
  • Overall beetle pressure appears to be very low, possibly a product of our saturated June conditions.

Wave pattern from corn roots unevenly reaching fall applied anhydrous

Wave pattern from corn roots unevenly reaching fall applied anhydrous. Mapleton, MN. June 5.

Corn in saturated conditions firing from N deficiency despite sufficient N application

Corn in saturated conditions firing from N deficiency despite sufficient N application. Alden, MN. August 2.


  • Soybeans endured the same challenges with timeliness of planting, spraying and replant as corn experienced.
  • We did have pockets of soybean death from Phytophthora.

Phytophthora symptoms appearing in soybean field

Phytophthora - June 25 - Lyle, MN.

Mary Gumz - Pioneer Agronomy Innovation Leader

Pioneer Agronomy Innovation Leader Mary Gumz

Tar Spot

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Ken OBrien - Agronomy Innovation Leader

Pioneer Agronomy Innovation Leader Ken O'Brien

Agronomy Innovation/Granular

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Crop Tour Days 1 - 4

Eastern Route

Day 1 - Columbus, OH. - Noblesville, IN
Day 2 - Noblesville, IN. - Bloomington, IL
Day 3 - Bloomington, IL. - Iowa City, IA.
Day 4 - Iowa City, IA. - Rochester, MN.

Western Route

Day 1 - Sioux Falls, SD - Grand Island, NE
Day 2 - Grand Island, NE - Nebraska City, NE
Day 3 - Nebraska City, NE. - Spencer, IA.
Day 4 - Spencer, IA. - Rochester, MN.


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