Pioneer® Brand
Winter Canola

Platform header driving through a field in a cloud of dust.

Pioneer - Bunge Chevon Ag Renewables

Bred To Thrive in Your Fields

Our expert agronomists developed canola hybrids ideal for complementing your crop rotations. Learn how Pioneer supports you with leading science and local experts.

Graphic that demonstrates the cycle of canola grower to renewable fuels and reads - certified winter canola program

More To Learn, More To Earn

Download the Winter Canola Program brochure for more in-depth information about this unique closed-loop program between Bunge Chevron and Corteva Agriscience that provides market stability and contract assurances that all production from enrolled winter canola acres will be purchased.

Why Plant Winter Canola?

Planting winter canola has a variety of financial, agronomic, and environmental benefits for farmers.

Double-cropping winter canola grown for the renewable fuels market

Increase Profitability

With twice the oil content of soybeans, winter canola offers farmers enhanced income potential. Complementing your crop rotations with winter canola can increase revenue and give you access to another market with significant profit potential.

Pioneer agronomist inspecting soil health of winter canola cover crop

Enhance Soil Health

Planting Pioneer® brand canola hybrids as a winter cash crop keeps more nutrients, water, and carbon in the soil. Its deep taproot also breaks up soil compaction, and the dense canopy and rapid early growth reduce soil erosion.

Pioneer agronomist and farmer examining crops in a field of winter canola

Local Support & Guidance

Winter canola might be new to you, but it’s not new to us. Your local Pioneer agronomist will be there to support you through the entire growing season.

Reasons To Grow Winter Canola To Complement Your Crop Rotations

An example of a winter crop rotation that alternates between winter wheat and winter canola

Think winter canola and winter wheat.

An example of a winter crop rotation that alternates between winter wheat and winter canola

Winter canola improves farm profitability. Demand for renewable fuel stocks is on the rise. Winter canola gives you the potential to increase income.

Winter Canola Yield Data

The numbers say it all. Yield results for the inaugural crop of winter canola are exceeding expectations. Based on university trials, we anticipate yields of 45–55 bu/A, with the potential to be higher based on individual operations. On multiple farms covering 3,500+ acres, here are the results:

Note: Farm average yields ranged from 43 to 60 bu/A.
*Weighted farm averages
Pioneer Yield (Bu/A)*
55  52
Pioneer Brand
PT303  PT303
11  2
2,697  ​860


Front image and back image of winter canola flyer.

Pioneer® Winter Canola Hybrids: Product Sheet

With elite genetics, Pioneer® brand winter canola hybrids deliver industry-leading yield potential and consistent oil contents across a wide range of growing conditions. Download our product sheet for more details.

Download Product Sheet
Close-up of dried canola plants in a field

Join the Certified Winter Canola Program

Discover a new crop and profitable new income source for your farm.