Sorghum Industry Leader

Sorghum Industry Leader

Delivering Unrivaled Performance

It’s no coincidence that Pioneer is the sorghum industry leader. Our award-winning hybrids are backed by elite germplasm, outstanding agronomics and defensive characteristics, and a local team that’s dedicated to bringing you hybrids ready to perform on your farm.

NSP Yield Contest Winners

NSP Yield Contest Winners

Congratulations to the 2024 National Sorghum Producers Yield Contest winners - and to all sorghum farmers. Pioneer is proud to work alongside you in the most complex and rewarding industry on earth.

See Winners

Developing High-Performing Sorghum

Pioneer continues to invest in sorghum research and development to drive genetic gains and incorporate new traits and technologies that will help improve the productivity and profit potential for sorghum growers everywhere.

Leading Agronomic and Defensive Packages

Leading Agronomic and Defensive Packages

Pioneer® brand sorghum features award-winning yield potential, industry-leading genetics and the best defensive packages available. Backed by a comprehensive research program, our lineup leads in drought tolerance, head exsertion, standability and sorghum aphid tolerance as well as yield. Our hybrids delivered a five-year, 6.6 bu/A yield advantage in 644 comparisons nationwide.¹

Dedicated Research and Development

Dedicated Research and Development

We have six breeding programs worldwide -- three in the United States, two in Mexico and one in Australia -- producing more than 200 new parent lines every year. Using our advanced breeding tools, we deliver better hybrids to your fields faster than ever. Pioneer also leads in doubled haploid research to accelerate the breeding process of developing better sorghum hybrids faster than ever.

Rigorous Local Testing

Rigorous Local Testing

Pioneer tests its sorghum hybrids in 60,000 on-farm plots across the country each year, generating comprehensive local data that help us improve yield potential and agronomic traits. We test each hybrid for two years in the same growing conditions that you experience before it is commercially available.

Sorghum Aphid Management

Sorghum Aphid Management

Sorghum aphid has become a major sorghum pest, causing severe yield loss. Pioneer is the leader in developing hybrids tolerant to sorghum aphid. Our team provides best management recommendations to help manage the pest after planting.

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Find the Right Sorghum Hybrid for Every Acre

Find the Right Sorghum Hybrid for Every Acre

With unmatched performance, Pioneer® brand sorghum hybrids offer elite genetics with proven performance throughout sorghum-growing country. Experience the highest yield potential grain sorghum available.

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My Local Pioneer Team

Our unmatched team of local professionals live and work in your community. They’re ready to help you select products with superior yield potential and provide year-round service and expertise. Have questions? Ask your local Pioneer sales representative today.

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1 Data is based on an average of 2014-2018 comparisons made in the U.S. through January 8, 2019. Comparisons are against all competitors, unless otherwise stated, and within +/- 4 CRM of the competitive brand. Product responses are variable and subject to any number of environmental, disease and pest pressures. Individual results may vary. Multi-year and multi-location data are a better predictor of future performance. DO NOT USE THIS OR ANY OTHER DATA FROM A LIMITED NUMBER OF TRIALS AS A SIGNIFICANT FACTOR IN PRODUCT SELECTION. Refer to or contact a Pioneer sales representative or authorized dealer for the latest and complete listing of traits and scores for each Pioneer® brand product.