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330 Agronomy Articles

Comparing Maturity of Pioneer® Brand Corn Products

Comparative relative maturity (CRM) ratings are values that allow maturity comparisons between corn products.

Corn Stunt Disease in the U.S.

Corn stunt is one of the most economically important diseases affecting corn in South America but is less known in the U.S. because it is generally confined to the southernmost parts of the country. Ears of infected plants are smaller than normal and do not fill properly.

Mechanisms of Nitrogen Loss From Soil

A central challenge in managing nitrogen fertility in corn production is the susceptibility of nitrogen to loss through leaching, denitrification, or volatilization. Read more more on managing this challenge.

Yield-Limiting Factors in Continuous Corn Production

Numerous studies have documented yield reductions when corn follows corn rather than soybeans, even when all yield limiting factors appear to have been adequately addressed. Better understanding of factors that limit continuous corn yield can help to improve management of this production system.

Managing Aphids in Corn

Aphids are common in corn fields but rarely cause economic levels of damage, and there are no research-based treatment thresholds for aphids in corn.

Measuring Volatilization Losses from Nitrogen Fertilizer Applications

Review a step-by-step protocol that can be used for on-farm measurements of ammonia volatilization from nitrogen fertilizer applications.

Corn Rootworm - Hatch and Larval Stages

CRW background & review - Corn rootworm egg hatch in the U.S. Corn Belt typically begins sometime between mid-May and early June and continues for around a month. Feeding is most extensive in early through mid-July in most regions of the Corn Belt.

Tar Spot of Corn in the U.S. and Canada

Tar spot is a relatively new foliar corn disease in the U.S. that has quickly spread through much of the Corn Belt. Fungicide treatments have proven effective in reducing tar spot symptoms; however, application timing can be critical for achieving adequate control and two applications may be needed in some cases.

Nitrogen Fertilizers and Stabilizers for Corn Production

Nitrogen stabilizers can help to improve crop yield and quality while also minimizing nitrogen loss through leaching and volatilization.

Bacterial Late-Season Decline Disease of Corn

Bacterial late-season decline is a newly identified bacterial disease of corn first documented near Bushland, Texas, in 2021. It has shown the potential to significantly reduce corn yield. Find out more.