Pioneer Corn Seed Treatment - LumiGen Seed Treatments

Corn Seed Treatments

LumiGEN® seed treatments protect your investment with best-in-class seed treatments. You can plant with confidence knowing your seeds and seedlings have advanced protection against pests, disease and uncertain soil conditions during the critical early growth period. The LumiGEN seed treatment package delivers the most robust corn protection in the industry.

Pioneer Corn Seed Treatment - LumiGEN Logo

Give Your Corn Seed a Head Start

Make the most of your seed investment with protection from LumiGEN® seed treatments. With a powerful, proven formulation, these innovative technologies protect your Pioneer® brand corn seed from pests, diseases and challenging soil conditions. Give your corn a healthy start and maximize your yield potential with advanced seed treatment recipes exclusive to Pioneer and other seed brands of Corteva Agriscience.

Lumialza nematicide seed treatment

Shield Crop Roots From Yield-Robbing Nematodes

While their presence often is unknown, corn nematodes are present on many acres and have potential to rob corn farmers of yield. Lumialza® nematicide seed treatment is a biological nematicide that shields plant roots from nematodes and works with beneficial soil organisms that improve water and nutrient absorption. Lumialza provides >80 days of root protection in all root zones against a wide range of nematodes, including sting, needle, lance, stubby-root, root-knot, dagger and lesion. Reduced nematode pressure means higher yield potential. Seed treated with Lumialza nematicide yielded an advantage of 3.7 bu/A under low nematode pressure, and up to 9 bu/A under heavier pressure in 2018 research trials.**

Lumiscend Pro fungicide seed treatment

Protect Your Corn From Diseases

Our premium seed treatment package features Lumiscend™ Pro fungicide seed treatment, which offers a unique combination of three active ingredients (inpyrfluxam, ethaboxam, and metalaxl) for outstanding seed and soil-borne disease protection. Bringing multiple modes of action into the fungicide recipe protects against a full spectrum of diseases – delivering the most comprehensive disease protection package yet. Inpyrfluxam is a new Group 7 active ingredient that protects against Fusarium spp., as well as providing industry leading protection from Rhizoctonia seed- and soil-borne diseases. Across all environments, Lumiscend Pro fungicide seed treatment delivers a consistent 1 bu/A yield advantage, while in higher disease environments, the advantage jumps to 3 bu/A in multiyear trials. Ethaboxam and metalaxyl (Group 22 and 4, respectively) provide two robust modes of action against Pythium spp., including metalaxyl-resistant strains. In addition to Lumiscend Pro, the LumiGEN fungicide seed treatment package is partnered with ipconazole, (Group 3) for protection against head smut, as well as an additional mode of action against Fusarium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani and L-2012 R which is a biological fungicide adding more protection against Fusarium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani.

Lumiscend Pro vs NT Rhizoctonia disease plate

Disease plate challenge shows how seed treated with Lumiscend Pro protects against Rhizoctonia.

Lumivia insecticide seed treatment

Protect Seedlings With Effective Insecticide Corn Seed Treatment

Lumivia® insecticide seed treatment at a 250 rate delivers a unique mode of action against chewing insects and enhances insecticidal protection against wireworm, white grub, black cutworm, seed corn maggot, grape colaspis and fall armyworm. It is complemented by clothianidin at a 250 rate. Combined, these two modes of action provide protection against the broadest insect spectrum in the industry, delivering better plant stands and reducing runt plants.

Enhanced Insect Protection

Our enhanced CRW package features the same fungicide treatments and Lumialza nematicide as our Premium Package, with a 1250 rate of Lumisure® insecticide seed treatment. This package improves yield potential by protecting your corn crop against a wide range of insects. The Enhanced CRW Package is included on all of our triple-stack corn products and can be added on double-stack corn products.

The Proof Is in the Roots – and the Stand

Protect your seed investment and plant with confidence. LumiGEN® seed treatments help to establish a healthier, more uniform corn crop for a strong start and greater yield potential. See the results from farmers who chose to #StartStrongWithLumiGEN.

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*Seed-applied technology replicated and strip trial data comparing ipconazole-based recipe to the 2018 seed treatment recipe without ipconazole. This 2018 data included 212 location comparisons in the overall and 93 locations which were under early season stress.

**Data is based on 10-state broad-acre head-to-head strip trial comparing Lumialza® nematicide seed treatment vs. non-nematicide seed treatment utilizing the same insecticide and fungicide recipe in seed-applied technology replicated and strip trial data. Yields ranged from 3 to 9 bu/A depending on nematode species and population, in 184 low stress and 54 moderate to high stress locations.