Plenish® High Oleic Soybeans

Plenish® High Oleic Soybeans

Leading High Oleic Soybeans

Pioneer® brand Plenish® high oleic soybeans offer elite genetics with the yield potential you expect, resulting in a healthier soybean oil that has become the industry standard among processors and end users.

Next-level Agronomics and Yield Potential

Next-level Agronomics and Yield Potential

Pioneer® brand Plenish® high oleic soybeans offer elite genetics with the yield potential you expect, resulting in a healthier soybean oil that has become the industry standard among processors and end users.

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Beneficial Dairy Feed Option

Beneficial Dairy Feed Option

Plenish® soybeans offer a high oleic fatty acid option for dairies trying to maximize milk fat production as well as minimize off-farm feed costs.

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Get more with Pioneer® brand Enlist E3® soybeans and the Enlist® weed control system

Pioneer® brand Enlist E3® Soybeans

Growers of Pioneer® brand Plenish® high oleic soybeans now receive the added benefits of superior weed control and herbicide flexibility with Enlist E3® technology. Plant the soybeans that come with industry-leading genetics and a generational leap forward in yield.

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Earn More with Plenish High Oleic Soybeans

Photo - soybean field - early season

Check out this easy-to-use, decision-making tool to help you make an informed economic decision on how Plenish® high oleic soybeans fit into your farming operation.

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Income Opportunity per acre with Plenish® high oleic soybeans


Total Income Opportunity on planned Plenish soybeans acres


Delivery costs not factored into potential profit from high oleic soybeans. Income/A advantage is calculated with the price the price of soybeans at $9.25 per bushel as of February 1, 2025.

Where to Deliver

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Straight Forward Contracting

Pioneer works with several soybean processors to make growing Pioneer® brand Plenish® high oleic soybeans a farmer-friendly experience. Plenish varieties are grown and marketed under identity-preserved contracting programs. You’ll receive a processor-paid premium for growing and segregating high oleic soybeans. Talk to your local Pioneer sales representative to learn more.

Additional Contracting Information

Added Value Throughout the Supply Chain

Plenish® high oleic soybean oil is identity-preserved from seed production through refined oil delivery to end users. Pioneer provides near-infrared (NIR) grain assay technology to processors to monitor the grain stream so the oil’s ultimate composition can be verified at the time of delivery.

The value at each stage of the supply chain depends on the ability to keep high oleic soybean oil separate from commodity soybean and other vegetable oils. A breakdown in the identity-preservation system would reduce the oil’s value so all participants in the supply chain for Plenish high oleic soybean oil are financially motivated to maintain the system’s integrity.

Make Deliveries the Same Way You Always Have

Processors and participating elevators make the delivery of Pioneer® brand Plenish® high oleic soybeans as similar as possible to commodity soybeans. Most processors offer harvest and buyer’s call delivery options.

Maintain High Oleic Specifications

From start to finish, our easy-to-follow process helps ensure farmers meet high oleic specifications. Be sure to clean seed hopper/boxes before planting Pioneer® brand Plenish® high oleic soybeans. Clearly indicate beginning and end of fields where Plenish soybeans are planted. Run your combine empty before and after harvest of Plenish soybeans. And always clean storage bins, trucks and wagons before handling Plenish soybeans to maintain purity.

Hear Why Plenish® High Oleic Soybeans Make Sense for Dairy

The Reinvention of Soybean Oil

The Reinvention of Soybean Oil™

Pioneer® brand Plenish® high oleic soybean oil has 0g trans fat, less saturated fat and the highest amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat available in soy.

Find the Right Product for Every Acre

Find the Right Product for Every Acre

Pioneer® brand soybeans offer the best yield potential, strong agronomics and a wide range of herbicide-tolerant trait options for your farm. Maximize performance potential on every acre with soybeans from Pioneer.

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Our unmatched team of local professionals live and work in your community. They’re ready to help you select products with superior yield potential and provide year-round service and expertise. Have questions? Ask your local Pioneer sales representative today.

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Plenish® high oleic soybeans have an enhanced oil profile and are produced and channeled under contract to specific grain markets. Growers should refer to the Product Use Guide on for more information.