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Midseason corn field

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90 Articles

Delayed Soybean Planting Considerations

Review management considerations that can help maximize soybean yield with late planting.

Soybean Planting Date & Varietal Maturity Interact to Determine Yield

Should soybean varietal maturity selections change based on soybean planting dates? Get results from 2-years of on-farm studies.

Rethinking Corn Silage Planting Options

BMR silage genetics consistently offer higher NDF digestibility compared to standard (non-BMR) silage hybrids but this advantage currently comes at the cost of poorer agronomics and upwards of a 15-20% yield reduction. Find out about managing different considerations.

Corn Rotations in Northern Latitudes: How to Get a Fast Start

With the shorter growing seasons of Northern latitudes, getting a corn crop off to a strong, fast start is critical to maximize yields. Use these rotational and management tips to help you succeed.

How Planting Depth and Soil Texture Affect Corn Emergence

This three-year study found that planting corn deeper can lead to better corn emergence results, no matter the soil texture.

Putting Variable-Rate Seeding to Work on Your Farm

Research has documented the value of varying corn seeding rate based on field productivity, as growers can maximize their seed input value.

Corn Planting Depth: Soil Temperature and Moisture Flux in the Furrow

A three-year field study was conducted to assess effects of soil temperature and moisture flux on emergence of corn planted in fields with varying soil classifications and characteristics, and to determine the impact of planting depth on emergence and yield. Review study results and conclusions.

Pre-Emergence Freeze Injury in Corn

Sustained temperatures of 20 to 25 °F or below can cause injury or death of corn seedlings prior to emergence. Find out about issues affecting seedling survival.

Effects of Cold Temperatures Following Soybean Planting

Emerged soybeans are more susceptible to damage from freezing temperatures than corn because their growing points are above the soil surface. Find out about managing early soybean planting while imbibitional chilling injury is still a risk.

Corn Stand Evaluation and Replant Considerations in Nebraska

Evaluating corn stands in Nebraska - review considerations for determing replanting options. Review fall freeze/frost guidelines for the state. Learn how stand uniformity, emergence and density may impact yield.