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16 Agronomy Articles

High Yield Sorghum Production

Seven different Pioneer brand sorghum hybrids were national winners in the 2019 U.S. National Sorghum Producers (NSP) Yield Contest, in 11 different states. Find out more about winners' management practices including hybrid selection, seeding rate and nitrogen application.

Genetic Purity of Grain Sorghum

In the production of grain sorghum hybrids, the methods used by the seed industry to produce the crop allows for the potential of off-types to be present in the seed. To produce the hybrid cross, a male sterile of one genetically distinct inbred is pollinated by another inbred.

Is Smoke from Wildfires Affecting Crop Yields?

With North American wildfires becoming worse and smoke seeping into the Corn Belt, should farmers be concerned? Three primary factors associated with wildfire smoke could potentially impact crops. Their effects are complex and competing. Learn more.

Dryland Sorghum Management in Arid Environments

Research has shown wheat-sorghum-fallow rotation or continuous sorghum is the most profitable cropping system for dryland grain production on the Texas High Plains. Research has also shown no-till or minimum-till sorghum outperforms conventional tillage due to soil moisture preservation.

Grain Sorghum Diseases, Occurrence and Management

Grain sorghum can be affected by a wide variety of diseases, which can cause serious losses of production and profitability. Some diseases occur across a wide area, at levels that do not cause extreme concern in any given field, but may add up to a considerable net loss due to their prevalence. Some diseases are readily detected due to easily identifiable symptoms that noticeably reduce yields. It is important for sorghum growers to be able to identify the diseases that frequently occur in their growing environment.

Grain Sorghum Management

Interest in growing grain sorghum is increasing in many Eastern and Southern U.S. area due to its many advantages, including drought tolerance, wide adaption, short growing season and versatile planting dates. Get tips on planting, soil fertility and irrigation management.

Where Does Sorghum Fit?

Forage sorghum and sorghum-sudangrass has been used as emergency feed due to delayed or reduced corn planting. The advantage of these forages is their adaptability to high temperatures.

Sugarcane Aphid: Biology and Management in Sorghum

Sugarcane aphid has become a severe pest of North American sorghum production over the last few years. These aphids can cause severe yield losses, with instances of 100% loss reported. Read more.

Pioneer Sorghum Research

The goal of the Pioneer Sorghum Research Department is to utilize the science of genetics to improve the profitability of sorghum customers. Pioneer's sorghum research group represents the first step in the Pioneer commitment to sorghum growers. Researchers develop the elite grain sorghum hybrids Pioneer produces, sells and services. Pioneer strives to ensure that the most well adapted, high quality sorghum hybrids are properly positioned with every customer.

Sorghum Fertility Management

Planning a soil fertility strategy for grain sorghum has many of the same requirements as corn. Although many producers view grain sorghum as a low maintenance crop, with its deep fibrous root system, sorghum responds well to nutrient applications, especially in lower testing soils.