Frost prior to sunflowers’ physiological maturity can cause damage, reducing seed yield and quality. Find out more about when sunflowers are most susceptible to injury.
Phomopsis stem canker infects sunflower leaves, spreading to the stem and causing wilting, premature drying and stem breakage. The first symptoms usually occur after plant flowering. Read more about symptoms, the disease cycle and management recommendations.
Verticillium wilt is a soil-borne pathogen with a broad host range which causes premature death and wilt in sunflower crops. Verticillium affects crop performance by reducing sunflower plant height, test weight and oil content. Find out more about symptoms, life cycle and management.
There are 3 primary diseases -- white mold, downy mildew and rust -- that sunflower growers should be aware of because they can regularly cause enough damage to post significant financial concerns for growers. Learn more about these diseases.