Insecticide Seed Treatment

Lumiderm® insecticide seed treatment

A breakthrough in soybean seedling protection with a new insecticide class and mode of action against early season insect pests.

Lumiderm® insecticide seed treatment protects soybean seedlings for eye-catching vigor and uniform stand establishment.

Lumiderm is an ideal product for farmers focused on high yield potential through early planting and when using cover crops to protect against insect populations attracted to decaying crop residue or over crop plants.

Lumiderm Insecticide Seed Treatment

Additional Mode of Action

When paired with neonicotinoid seed treatment, Lumiderm provides an additional MOA against bean leaf beetle, seed corn maggot and aphids.

soybean seedlings in field

Pair with Phalanx™ for 2X MOA against:

  • Seedcorn maggots
  • Aphids
  • Bean leaf beetles
  • Thrips
  • White grubs
  • Wireworms

Control More Insects

Increased insect control beyond flea beetle, seed corn maggot and bean leaf beetle to now include cutworms, white grubs, thrips, and wireworms.

Broad early season control of key soybean pests:

  • Seedcorn maggots
  • Wireworms
  • Cutworms
  • White grubs
  • Thrips
  • Aphids
  • Bean leaf beetles
  • Corn earworms
  • Soybean loopers
  • Velvetbean caterpillars

More plants, more vigor, more yield potential:

19.6% improvement in plant stand2

  • Reduces replant potential

Eye-catching early season vigor

  • Often associated with healthy, uniform stands
  • Allows Pioneer® brand genetics to thrive even more

An average 1-3 bu/A advantage3

  • When Lumiderm® insecticide seed treatment is added to the LumiGEN® soybean seed treatment recipe
  • Multi-year research data

Broad-spectrum active ingredient:

  • Active ingredient, cyantraniliprole (IRAC Group 28), a diamide insecticide
  • Systemic movement to protect seed, roots and seedlings
  • Stops feeding almost immediately

Comparisons young soybean plants with and without Lumiderm seed treatment


With Lumiderm® insecticide

seed treatment


Without Lumiderm® insecticide

seed treatment

Reduced Stand Gaps

Provides an 8% improvement in reducing plant stand gaps1 over current insecticide option.

Comparisons - young soybean plants with and without Lumiderm seed treatment


With Lumiderm® insecticide

seed treatment


Without Lumiderm® insecticide

seed treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

What pests does Lumiderm control?

Lumiderm controls seedcorn maggots, wireworms, cutworms, white grubs, thrips, aphids, bean leaf beetles, corn earworms, soybean loopers, velvetbean caterpillars.

Is Lumiderm a neonicotinoid?

No. The active ingredient in Lumiderm, cyantraniliprole (IRAC Group 28), is a diamide insecticide. When paired with a neonicotinoid seed treatment like Phalanx™ insecticide seed treatment, Lumiderm provides an additional MOA against a broad spectrum of pests.

How does Lumiderm work?

Lumiderm is a systemic insecticide and protects the seed, roots, and seedlings. It stops insect feeding almost immediately.

Will I see a visual difference in the field?

The visual appearance has been described as “eye-catching early season vigor.” There’s also data showing a 19.6% improvement in plant stands when paired with Phalanx compared to no insecticide seed treatment.3

What’s my ROI?

Lumiderm delivers an average 1 bu/A - 3 bu/A advantage when added to the LumiGEN® soybean seed treatment package.4

Why Soybean Seed Treatment

Bring it on - protect your investment with best-in-class seed treatment

LumiGEN® seed treatments protect your investment with best-in-class seed treatment. You can plant with confidence knowing your seeds and seedlings have advanced protection against pests, disease and uncertain soil conditions during the critical early growth period.

1Significant yield improvement and reduction in plant stand gaps based on Corteva Agriscience research data 2018-2019, 73 locations.

2Data collected at Corteva Agriscience from 2019-2022 from 152 locations indicate a statistically significant improvement in stand and vigor when Lumiderm is paired with a neonic insecticide compared to no insecticide seed treatment.

3Data generated by Corteva Agriscience from 103 locations from 2021 - 2023 indicate a broad acre 1 bu/A advantage under standard field conditions when Lumiderm® insecticide seed treatment is added to the base LumiGEN® soybean seed treatment recipe. With higher insect pressure locations, >3 bu/A advantages were observed when Lumiderm was added to the base LumiGEN soybean recipe.

® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Components of LumiGEN® seed treatments are applied at a Corteva Agriscience production facility, or by an independent sales representative of Corteva Agriscience or its affiliates. Not all sales representatives offer treatment services, and costs and other charges may vary. See your sales representative for details. Lumiderm® and Phalanx™ may not be registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions.