An attempt at assigning the magnitude of potential economic loss splitting this bunker is shown below using corn grain as a nutritionally equivalent replacement for the loss dry matter given that starch content and fiber digestibility is lower while silage fiber content is further concentrated.
Spoilage (100% loss)
- 6” discarded daily by feeder = 0.5 cubic feet/ft2 of exposed face with assumed original density of ~20 lb/ft3 (since density is higher below but lower above test location, 20 is an estimate).
0.5 x 20 = 10 lb DM = 28.5 lb/ft3 as fed (35% DM) @ $42/T corn silage = $0.60/ft2 of exposed split face.
DM Loss
- 30 inches deep = 2.5 ft3 per ft2 of split exposed face @ average density loss of ~.75 lb DM/ft3 (reduced from 21.8 to 20.2 per trial data) = 1.88 lb DM loss/ft2 of exposed split face.
Value DM loss as replacement value with dry corn grain @ $4/bushel = $0.084/lb corn DM. $0.084/lb corn DM x 1.88 lb DM loss/ft2 of exposed split face = $0.16 DM loss/ft2 of exposed split face.
Given that this bunker was 12 feet high x 100 feet long (1200 ft2) the potential cost in terms of spoilage and DM loss was 1200 ft2 x $0.76 = $912 each time it was split. This operation made a new split every 4 weeks (13 times per year) so the total potential loss would be in the range of $11,856 annually ($912 x 13).