From the many animal experiments and field trials conducted by Pioneer and University cooperators, a 4-percentage point increase in 48-hour NDFD (over baseline NDFD estimates) is a reasonable starting point to factor in the effect of Nutrivail-silages. However, most approaches that use single, time-point NDFD values in summative equations to predict NE-L (e.g. NRC or UWMILK2006) does not appear adequately sensitive to the digestion rate changes resulting from treating silages with Nutrivail products.
Changes in the digestion rates (Kd) of the B3 (NDF) carbohydrate pool can be modified automatically in formulation models, using Cornell Model logic such as NDS or AMTS, from single, time-point NDFD values or by manually inserting calculated Kd values, such as NDF Kd (VanAmburgh) or MIR_P1 (Mertens), found on many forage analyses reports. However, field experience suggests that calculated Kd rates may not fully account for the effect of Nutrivail products. A preferred alternative is to directly measure digestion rates using the gas-production method, Fermentrics®. Fermentrics analysis of Nutrivail-silages suggests that when cell wall components are decoupled from lignin, their rates of digestion begin to approach that of faster digesting carbohydrates such as soluble fiber or starch. While it is preferred to directly measure the B-pool digestion rates with Fermentrics, if this is not possible or if digestion rates are not available on laboratory reports, Fermentrics analyses have shown that the B- pool carbohydrate rates are increased, on average, by the amount shown in the table below (example: 11CFT-corn silage feed library B3 rate of 3.4%/ hour should be increased by 35% to 4.6%/hour).
11CFT/11GFT |
11AFT |
B1 |
50% |
60% |
B3 |
35% |
20% |