A 2-year study at the Cornell University (Aurora) Research Farm in 2008 and 2009 evaluated two Pioneer (34T55 and 34A89), two DeKalb (DKC61-69 and DKC63-42), two leafy (TMF2Q716 and 2W587, Mycogen), and two brown midrib (F2F566 and F2F610, Mycogen) hybrids at planting rates of 25,000, 30,000, 35,000, and 40,000 kernels/acre (Figure 6). The researchers concluded that the DeKalb, leafy, and brown midrib hybrids had their highest yield at 35,000 kernels/acre with no real detrimental effect on NDFD and starch concentrations, whereas the Pioneer hybrids yielded best at 40,000 kernels/acre without negatively impacting NDFD (Cox et al., 2009).