Pioneer® Grower Offer

Book your Pioneer® brand seed by December 9 to save.

How to Save

Did you know Pioneer offers two ways to help maximize your 2025 Pioneer seed savings?

  1. Receive a 15% early pay cash discount when you pay for your 2025 Pioneer seed order by December 9, 2024.

  2. Take advantage of our deferred pay program with an 11% discount and pre-approved $15,000 financing at prime -1% when you order your 2025 Pioneer seed by December 9, 2024*.

    *Additional financing available based on approval

Ready to cash in on Pioneer's Grower Offer?

Enter your information below for more information or contact your local Pioneer representative.

Please use the email address most often used by your farm operation (if known).

farmers shaking hands

Local Team


Contact your local Pioneer Team for more details on the Pioneer Grower Offer.

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