Farming, the Canadian way. Trusted experts and industry voices talk agronomy, business, social impact, and more. With no topic off limit, Made To Grow™ is made for Canadian farmers like you.
On soybean trait systems: "What am I gaining, what am I giving up?"
March 6, 2025
With the growing season just around the corner, the Enlist E3 soybeans are taking a big leap in 2025 with Pioneer growers across the country moving to Enlist traited beans. On this episode, Andrew Campbell looks to the lessons from the past couple of years as growers have transitioned to the Enlist system about what works and what to watch out for. Joining him is Pioneer Area Agronomist Chris Robson, Pioneer Sales Rep Aaron Bowman and Jevin Vyn, a farmer from Southwestern Ontario.
"Forget the marketing hype of silage hybrids - it's about yield"
December 3, 2024
Whether it's a beef or dairy operation, making sure the best forages are harvested is one of the most important steps to profitability. For corn silage that starts with the right hybrids. In this episode, Andrew talks with Greg Frank, a Pioneer Rep in Southern Alberta, Ashley Knapton, an Associate Pioneer Rep in Eastern Ontario, and Dr Bill Mahanna, Global Nutritional Services Manager based in Iowa about what you should consider when choosing a hybrids, what labels are important to look for, and how to manage that crop throughout the growing season to ensure you've set yourself up for success on your livestock operation.
"Verticillium is a very new disease to canola in Western Canada"
November 6, 2024
No matter what the crop, it always seems like there is a disease that needs your attention in order to make sure you can get as close to a hybrid's yield potential as possible. In Alberta, while Clubroot and Sclerotinia weren't as prevalent in the 2024 canola crop, Blackleg and Verticillium were. In fact, when it came to verticillium in particular, Pioneer Sale Rep Shawna Hogg saw more incidences of verticillium this year than she's seen before. In this episode, Andrew talks with Shawna about Pioneer Senior Research Association Tom Ernst about what the impact was from canola diseases in 2024 and what some of the management strategies can be to try to lessen canola disease impact.
"I always like to stay on the leading edge, and really wanted to try them"
October 7, 2024
When it comes to growing seasons for soybeans, 2024 provided plenty of challenges for Ontario grower Chris Bell. Rain was the biggest one, as it never really stopped; but that also brought others challenges like white mould and the need for a very flexible weed control system. In this Brew with an Agronomist episode, Andrew talks with Chris and Pioneer Agronomist Rebecca-Jo Cellini about what he faced with a field of the new Z-Series genetics, and what all growers are looking for when it comes to beans that can reach their yield potential.
This disease can hit the highest potential yield fields
September 11, 2024
When it comes to leaf diseases in corn, growers are working hard to learn the best ways to manage Gibberella Ear Rot and Tar Spot, given the devastating impact they can have on yield and grain quality. The good news is the strategies to combat both diseases are similar. On today's episode, Andrew Campbell learns about those management strategies which include hybrid selection and fungicide timing from Albert Tenuta, a plant pathologist from Ontario's Ministry of Agriculture, Food and AgriBusiness as well as two Pioneer Area Agronomists that see these diseases regularly - John Seliga and Greg Stopps.
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