Expand Management to Minimize Yield Loss from Soybean Cyst Nematode

Growers have effectively managed soybean cyst nematode (SCN) for years by planting soybean varieties with SCN resistance. In fact, SCN-resistant varieties can help improve yield by more than 50 percent in heavily infested fields1.
Rotate genetic sources to preserve the effectiveness of SCN-resistant varieties. Success also requires grower attention and proactive management.
1. Test.
Collect soil samples when soybean plants are mature to understand SCN populations in each field.
2. Plant.
Work with your local Pioneer sales representative to identify the best Pioneer® brand soybeans with SCN resistance. Pioneer offers more varieties with Peking resistance than any other seed company and nearly 200 varieties with PI88788 resistance - all with outstanding yield potential, strong agronomics and the herbicide tolerant (HT) traits you need.
3. Protect.
Help ensure your seed is protected with a product like ILeVO® fungicide seed treatment, which has activity against SCN.
4. Scout.
In late June or early July, examine soybean roots for SCN females.
5. Rotate.
Effectiveness of crop rotation drops in subsequent years, so managing SCN when egg numbers are low is important. Rotate to nonhost crops such as corn or alfalfa.
Pioneer is the industry leader in harnessing marker-assisted selection (MAS) to rapidly identify genes for SCN resistance and combine them with other high-value traits. Using proprietary MAS technology and precision phenotyping, Pioneer soybean researchers are stacking superior agronomic traits into new SCN-resistant varieties, providing even more choices in high yield potential Pioneer® brand soybeans.
1Butzen S, Stephens P, Corbin T. Rotating Sources of SCN Resistance. Crop Insights.