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Entry Period

Entrants must be registered online at Pioneer.com/YieldHeroEast between 12:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (“EST”) September 1, 2024 and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST March 31, 2025 (the “Entry Period”) to compete in the 2025 Yield Hero East contest. The growing season for The Pioneer Hi-Bred “Yield Hero East” Contest (the “Contest”) begins at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (“EST”) on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, November 30, 2025. The beginning and ending times of the Contest shall be determined by the computers of Sponsor or its delegates. All potential grand prize winners from the Contest will be notified on or about Monday, December 12, 2025. 


To enter and be eligible to win, a person must be 21 years of age or older, a resident of, and the owner-operator of, a corn or soybean farm in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick, who has reached the age of majority, and who is not an employee of, or a sales rep for, Pioneer Hi-Bred (“Sponsor”) and who is not a Family Member of, an employee or sales representative of Sponsor. “Family Members” means each individual person's immediate family members including without limitation their spouse, domestic partner, mother, father, sister, brother, grandparent, cousin, aunt/uncle, and each of the foregoing's respective spouses and those living within the same household of individual person. A person cannot be a repeat winner for a minimum of two contest periods. The Contest is void outside of Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick and where prohibited. For clarity, this Contest is void in Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia and all other Canadian provinces and Territories not listed and where prohibited.

Each winner is allowed to win in one crop category and will not be eligible to win that same crop category for the following three (3) years. For example, a soybean winner in 2025 is not eligible to win again until 2029, however, that winner could win in the corn category in the 2026, 2027 or 2028 growing seasons.


To be eligible for the Contest, the following qualifications must be met in any one (1) field (i.e., contiguous land area) for any one (1) crop:

Corn (Grain):

  • Entrants must register online at Pioneer.com/YieldHeroEast between September 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025
  • Minimum purchase of 100 units of Pioneer® brand corn seed is required to have been purchased from an authorized Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative between September 1, 2024, and June 15, 2025.
  • Only commercial grain grown from Pioneer® brand corn seed will qualify.
  • Pioneer® brand corn seed must be planted a minimum of 12 rows into the field and no outside rows are permitted in the yield measurement.
  • Yields must be weighed with a weigh wagon with the Pioneer sales representative or associate present; yield monitor data will not be accepted.
  • All measurements will be in dry bushels per acre (adjusted to 15.0% moisture).
  • A minimum harvested plot measuring twenty feet (20’) wide by one-thousand (1000’) feet long is required, which totals forty-six one-hundredths of an acre (0.46 acre).
  • Entrant must designate a field for the Contest entry and cannot change fields after such designation is made.
  • Irrigated corn fields do not qualify for the contest.
  • Each grower is limited to one entry per crop.


  • Entrants must register online at Pioneer.com/YieldHeroEast between September 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025
  • Minimum purchase of 300 units of Pioneer® brand soybean seed is required to have been purchased from an authorized Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative between September 1, 2024, and June 15, 2025.
  • Only commercial Pioneer® brand soybean seed will qualify.
  • All measurements will be in dry bushels per acre (adjusted to 13% moisture).
  • A minimum harvested plot measuring twenty feet (20’) wide by one-thousand (1000’) feet long is required, which totals forty-six one-hundredths of an acre (0.46 acre).
  • Yields must be weighed with a weigh wagon with the Pioneer sales representative or associate present; yield monitor data will not be accepted.
  • Entrant must designate a field for the Contest entry and cannot change fields after such designation is made.
  • Irrigated soybean fields do not qualify.
  • Each grower is limited to one entry per crop.

The entrant can use any type of field/crop management on the entry type, except for any type of irrigation. The entrant may choose the location of the strip to harvest, but it cannot be the outside rows of a field; harvested area must be one combine width into the field. Only one (1) weigh is eligible per seed product in a particular field. The Pioneer brand seed is not provided free of charge by the Sponsor; the qualifying Pioneer brand seed used must be purchased by the farm owner from an authorized Pioneer Hi-Bred sales rep at that farm owner's expense. The entry must be weighed by Pioneer sales representative or associate’s weigh wagon; yield monitors will not be accepted. Yield and moisture of the grain will be tested in the field during the weigh harvest by Pioneer sales representative or associate. Irrigated fields do not qualify for the contest. Adjustments for moisture will be made to harvested grain corn will be adjusted to fifteen percent (15.0%) moisture, and soybeans will be adjusted to thirteen percent (13%) moisture.

Sponsor, Sponsor’s agents or an authorized Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative will make the final determination as to whether an entrant has complied with the foregoing qualifications and eligibility requirements.

Agreement to Official Rules and Decisions

By participating in the Contest, each participant unconditionally accepts and agrees to comply with, and abide by, these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor including, without limitation, decisions regarding eligibility of entries, the selection of entrants and winners and the awarding of prizes, which shall be final and binding in all respects.

How to Enter

  1. Participants must register for the contest at Pioneer.com/YieldHeroEast during the entry period and contact their local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative at harvest to measure and enter their yield data. Grower winners can only be determined by the full completion and submission of a grower’s plot into the Pioneer Hi-Bred TRIALS system by the grower’s Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative on or before 11:59 p.m. EST Sunday, November 30, 2025. Grower’s Pioneer Hi-Bred sales representative is also responsible for measuring the official weight in the field using a Pioneer Hi-Bred weigh wagon. A customer can compete with one entry in each of corn and soybean crops as long as the minimum purchase and yield measurements are met as stated above.
    Due to the nature of the contest, the grand prizes will not be communicated to the winners until approximately December 12, 2025.
  2. By entering the Contest, I hereby grant to Sponsor, its affiliates, and their authorized marketing agencies, and any successors and assigns of the foregoing, the right to unilaterally and without limit use, broadcast, and publish in any form and in all media, whether now known or hereafter developed, my name, address, likeness, voice, hometown, and any statements, information, videos and photographs or photographic likenesses of me, for any lawful purposes, including without limitation for advertising, editorial, educational, informational, or sales purposes, without payment, and without review or approval by me.
  3. All entrants must complete, sign and return a declaration of eligibility and liability and publicity release, where permitted by law, and any other applicable forms required by Sponsor within ten (10) days of receipt of written prize notification or prize will be forfeited and an alternate winner may be selected, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, and subject to disqualification in the same manner. If the potential winner does not return these forms before the deadline, the potential winner automatically forfeits the prize and a new potential winner may be selected at the sole discretion of Sponsor and subject to disqualification in the same manner.
  4. All prizes must be accepted “as is” and as awarded, is not transferable or refundable, no cash value will be given for any prize and no substitution will be made for a prize except as permitted by these rules (and without limiting the foregoing prizes may not be sold or traded). The approximate retail values of a prize as stated in advertising or other promotion materials, and/or in these Official Rules, are subject to price fluctuation in the consumer marketplace based on, among other things, the passage of time between the date, the respective approximate retail value is stated by the Sponsor and the date the respective prize is awarded or redeemed. If, at the time a prize is redeemed or awarded, the actual prevailing retail purchase price for the prize is less than the approximate retail value stated by the Sponsor in advertising entitled to the price difference. The Sponsor, in its sole discretion, and for any reason, reserves the right to: (i) place reasonable restrictions on the availability or use of a prize or (ii) substitute a prize or aspect of a prize of equal or greater value for a prize or aspect stated in the rules advertising and promotion materials as being offered to be awarded.  Each winner is solely responsible for all applicable federal, state, local or provincial taxes.

Selection of Winners

A total of twelve (12) grand prize winners will be selected as follows

There will be 12 winners – 9 corn and 3 soybean (1 corn per CRM per Pioneer district and 1 soybean based on highest yield of any soybean CRM per Pioneer district). In District AC, there are three (3) different grain corn comparative relative maturity categories eligible for the Contest: <99 CRM, 100-103 CRM and >104 CRM. In District AF, there are three (3) different grain corn comparative relative maturity categories eligible for the Contest: <90 CRM, 90-95 CRM and >95 CRM. In District AG, there are three (3) different grain corn comparative relative maturity categories eligible for the Contest: <90 CRM, 90-95 CRM and >95 CRM, based on the ratings published in the 2025 Canadian Pioneer product guide and grown in the comparative relative maturity zone.

The three eligible Pioneer districts are shown on this map: 

The highest yield entry for corn per CRM per district and the top soybean yield per district will be deemed the grand prize winner in each district. All potential grand prize winners who have accepted their prize must sign and return the Pioneer Hi-Bred Yield Hero Grand Prize Acceptance Forms and Liability and Publicity Release forms by Friday, December 22, 2025 (23:59:59, EST). Failure to do so will result in disqualification and automatic forfeiture of the Grand Prize.

Prizes/Approximate Retail Value

  1. Each grand prize winner will win a trip for two (2) to the Commodity Classic in San Antonio, TX. The prize consists of a four-night (4) stay in a hotel in a San Antonio, TX hotel, chosen by Sponsor or Sponsor’s designated travel agency, as well as air transportation from and to an international airport in Canada serviced by major commercial carriers. Hotel details will be determined and communicated closer to the date of Commodity Classic. All other travel-related costs will be the responsibility of the grand prize winner(s). The Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) is $5,000 (USD) per grand prize winner, ARV of all prizes is $60,000 (USD). Actual prize value may vary depending on hotel and transportation costs at the time of travel. Grand prize winners must coordinate their travel itinerary through the travel agency designated by Sponsor. Winners and their travel companions are responsible for ensuring they have the appropriate travel documentation, emergency travel medical insurance and necessary permission to enter the United States. Travel companion must be at least the age of majority in his or her province of residence. No prize substitution, transfer, assignment or cash redemption by winners is allowed.  Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, substitute a prize or prize elements of equal or greater value. Grand Prize subject to change based on unforeseen circumstances.
  2. ODDS OF WINNING: Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. There is no random element of selection; winners will be selected based on yield performance, which is affected by growing conditions and crop management practices.


By completing the entry form, all entrants consent to the collection, use and distribution of their personal information by Sponsor for the purposes of running the Contest and as permitted by these rules (for example, pursuant to these rules, all entrants who accept a prize consent to the use of their personal information for publicity usages) including as permitted by any release signed. 


By entering the Contest, each entrant forever and irrevocably releases and holds harmless Sponsor, its parents, subsidiaries and affiliates, and their  respective agents, advertising and promotion agencies, Contest partners and prize suppliers, and all of their respective employees, officers, directors, shareholders, affiliates, and agents from and against all claims, damages, or liabilities arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from (a) entrant’s participation in the Contest, or Contest-related activities or events, (b) entrant’s entry and submissions, (c) entrant’s representations and agreements in these Official Rules, and (d) entrant’s award, receipt, or use of any prize awarded in the Contest.

General Conditions

  1. Before being declared a winner, a selected entrant must: (i) be in full compliance with these rules, (ii) have yield data verified by Sponsor, and (iii) sign and return Sponsor's release within ten (10) days of it having been sent (in the case of a travelling companion who is under the age of majority in their Province of residence, the release must be signed by their parent or legal guardian). Potential prize winners who do not, or fail to, comply fully with the Contest rules will automatically forfeit their opportunity to win that prize and nothing else will be substituted or given or offered to that potential winner. An alternate winner will be chosen in their place in accordance with the winner selection process described herein.
  2. By entering: contestants agree (i) to these Official Rules and in the event of any conflict with anything contained in these Official Rules and promotion details contained in advertising and other promotion materials, the details of the promotion set forth in these Official Rules shall govern and prevail), (ii) to the Sponsor’s use of their personal information for purposes of administering this Contest (iii) that by accepting a prize a winner also agrees to execute a declaration of eligibility and a publicity and liability release; and (iv) that by accepting a prize, winners consent to the use, without compensation, of their photograph, filmed or recorded image, name and city of residence and Pioneer product purchase(s) and yields in all publicity campaigns related to the Contest including on Sponsor's web site (the "publicity usages").  No correspondence will be entered into except with a potential winner. The decision of Sponsor and their representatives in respect of any matter related to this Contest (either before or following selection) is final and without appeal.
  3. All entries become the property of the Sponsor. The Sponsor, including its agents, representatives and those associated with them, are not responsible for any entry, a prize-winning notification or the claim for prize, which fails to get entered, is lost, misdirected or which arrives late, as the case may be, whether or not due to the fault of Sponsor or of any other person or thing. 
  4. Sponsor is not responsible for typographical or other errors in the Official Rules, administration of the Contest, announcement of the prizes or winners, or for technical, hardware, or software malfunctions, computer viruses, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, other technical difficulties or human error relating to the Contest or entry processing, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of Sponsor that interferes with the proper conduct of the Contest as contemplated by these Official Rules. If, in Sponsor’s sole opinion, any tampering, technical difficulties, human error, or other factor outside of Sponsor’s reasonable control, including accident, printing, administrative, or other error of any kind compromises the integrity, administration, or conduct of this contest, Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend the Contest without prior notice or obligation.


It is the entrant's responsibility to ensure that the entrant has complied in full with all of the conditions and requirements contained in these Official Rules. If any potential winner is found to be ineligible, or if he or she has not complied with these Official Rules or declines a prize for any reason prior to award, such potential winner will be disqualified and an alternate winner may be selected. No mechanically reproduced, illegible, incomplete, forged, software generated, third party or other automated multiple entries will be accepted. Entries made by any other individual or any entity, and/or originating by any other mechanism including, but not limited to, commercial sweepstakes subscription notification and/or entering services, will be declared invalid and disqualified for this Contest. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who is found to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Contest; to be acting in violation of these Official Rules; or to be acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with the intent to disrupt or undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest, or to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person. The Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages and other remedies from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Governing Law

Contest is subject to Federal, Provincial and Municipal laws applicable to contests operated in Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia or New Brunswick.  


Entrant agrees that any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Sweepstakes, or any prizes awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and solely and exclusively in Alberta; entrant submits to sole and exclusive personal jurisdiction to said courts for any such dispute and irrevocably waives any and all rights to object to such jurisdiction. Except as required by law, Sponsor shall have no obligation to reveal to any third party, including without limitation to any entrant, the results of, or communications related to, Sponsor’s internal deliberations associated with the Sweepstakes.


Sponsor collects personal information from entrants when they enter the Contest. Sponsor may use such information for administration of this Contest and as explained in its privacy policy, which is available at  https://www.pioneer.com/us/privacy-policy.html.


The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Official Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision. In the event that any provision is determined to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable or illegal, these Official Rules shall otherwise remain in effect and shall be construed in accordance with their terms as if the invalid or illegal provision were not contained herein. Headings and captions are used in these Official Rules solely for ease of reference and shall not be deemed to affect in any manner the meaning or intent of these Official Rules or any provision hereof. These Official Rules cannot be modified or amended in any way except in writing by a duly authorized representative of Sponsor.

Limitation of Liability

By entering the Contest, entrant accepts and agrees to these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor, which shall be final and binding in all respects. By accepting their Prize, winner agrees to hold harmless and waive all recourse and claims against the Sponsor, and any other person or entity associated with the Sponsor including, without limitation, affiliates, parent(s), subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, agents and assigns of Sponsor (the “Sponsor Releasees”), if any part of the prize or any services that form part of their prize, do not prove satisfactory, either in whole or in part. Entrants agree that the Sponsor Releasees will have no liability whatsoever for, and shall be held harmless by participants against (a) any liability for any injuries, losses or damages of any kind (whether due to negligence or otherwise) to person(s), including death, or property resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, misuse or use of the prize, participation in this Contest, or accidents occurring during travel as part of an incident to the prize, and, (b) that the Sponsor Releasees have neither made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation or guarantee express or implied, in fact or in law, with respect to any prize, and THE RELEASEES HEREBY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS AND GUARANTEES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.