Agronomic Traits

Yield, Performance and Peace of Mind

Maximize Your Yield, Protect Your Canola and Your Profits.

Pioneer® brand canola hybrids with industry-leading agronomic traits – the YIELD, performance, profitability and protection against disease and harvest challenges that you have come to trust. NOW AVAILABLE in Optimum® GLY, Clearfield®, LibertyLink® and Round Up Ready® canola herbicide tolerant systems.

Agronomic Traits

Look for the Pioneer agronomic traits logos for high-yielding canola hybrids with built-in disease protection.

Clubroot Trait

Clubroot Trait

High yields and protection against multiple races of clubroot across Western Canada.

Sclerotinia Trait

Sclerotinia Trait

High yields and the consistent performance of Pioneer® brand canola hybrids with built-in resistance to the yield-robbing disease, sclerotinia.

Maximize Performance

Stay on top of tough-to-control and resistant weeds to help maximize yield potential. The right management program helps complement your trait package and protect the canola genetic potential.

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canola hybrids

Find the Right Product for Every Acre

Pioneer® brand canola hybrids are bred to deliver top performance, with genetics that are fine-tuned to deliver top yields in a variety of growing conditions. Put the right product on the right acre to help you reach your goals.

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Our unmatched team of local professionals live and work in your community. They’re ready to help you select products with superior yield potential and provide year-round service and expertise. Have questions? Ask your local Pioneer sales representative today.

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*Field results show that Pioneer sclerotinia trait resistance can reduce the incidence of sclerotinia in a canola crop by over 60%. Individual results may vary. Depending on environmental and agronomic conditions, growers planting canola hybrids with the Pioneer sclerotinia trait resistance traits may still require afungicide application to manage sclerotinia in their crop.