Yield, Performance and Protection

A new generation of Pioneer® canola – the yield, performance and profitability that you have come to recognize. Now available in the Optimum® GLY, Clearfield® LibertyLink®, and Round Up Ready® herbicide systems.

Liberty Link logo

Elite Corteva Agriscience™ genetics

Corteva Agriscience invests heavily in canola R&D, right here in Western Canada. Corteva Agriscience genetics, deliver high yield potential, with a wide variety of hybrids available to suit local growing conditions.

Industry-leading Pioneer agronomic traits

Growers have embraced Pioneer industry-leading agronomic traits, available in Pioneer® brand canola products, which deliver disease resistance (sclerotinia, clubroot or both) and protection against harvest risks due to pod shatter. 

Herbicide resistance management

Pioneer® brand canola with the LibertyLink® trait will allow growers to rotate more effectively among canola systems, with the alternative mode of action (glufosinate) underlying LibertyLink®. This will make resistance management more comprehensive and give growers a new option for managing volunteer canola associated with the other two systems.


Comparing InVigor L252 (left) to Pioneer® brand P501L with the LibertyLink® trait (right)

  • InVigor L252
  • Pioneer® brand P501L with the LibertyLink® trait

Location: Crystal City, MB, 2019.

canola hybrids

Find the Right Product for Every Acre

Pioneer® brand canola hybrids are bred to deliver top performance, with genetics that are fine-tuned to deliver top yields in a variety of growing conditions. Put the right product on the right acre to help you reach your goals.

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