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Figure 1. Field infestation of wild buckwheat and lambsquarters. June 27, 2018. Southern Alberta.
Figure 2. Critical Period of Weed Control in Corn (VE-V6)
Figure 3. Post emergent sprayer miss. Coaldale, AB. June 14, 2021. Sprayer miss on right hand side of picture.
Figure 4. Same field as shown in figure 3. Sprayer miss was sprayed 7 days after the first application. (Illustrates effect of delaying application and weed/crop competition).July 7, 2021. Coaldale, AB.
Figure 5. Corn plant showing fully emerged leaves with visible leaf collars. Photo courtesy of Iowa State University Extension.
Figure 6. Corn plant staged as V3 according to the leaf collar method.
Figure 7. Group 4 herbicide injury in corn.
Figure 8. Group 6 herbicide injury in corn
Abendroth, L.J. , R.W Elmore, M.J. Boyer, and S.K. Marlay. 2011. Corn Growth and Development. Iowa State Univ. Extension Publication PMR-1009. Growth-and-Development.
Gaspar, P. 2019. Corn Hybrid Herbicide Management Guide. Crop Insights Vol. 29 No. 9. Pioneer. Johnston, IA.