The Pioneer GrowingPoint® website 
 The most extensive resource for profitable crop production today.

Glossary of Web Terms

  • Browser - A browser is a software application that acts as an interface to view Web sites over the Internet. Web sites can include text, video, graphics, animations and sound. There are currently many Web browsers available on the market today. The two most popular are Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) and Netscape.
  • Cookie - A “Cookie” is a text file that is stored on the computer. The file stores personal information about yourself or preferences. When a user stores a password, it will be saved as a “Cookie.” Also, it will remember personal preferences such as the user’s physical address and what content the user likes to view.
  • HTML - HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a computer/authoring language and the foundation on how Web sites are built. HTML creates documents on the World Wide Web (WWW). It defines the structure and layout of a Web document or web page.
  • Link - In hypertext systems, such as the WWW, a link is a reference to another document. Such links are sometimes called hot links because they take the user to other documents or web pages when the document is clicked.
  • URL - URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the global address of a Web site on the WWW. The first part ( is the domain from which the Web document is located. The second part (/growingpoint) is where the Web site is located on the server.

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