V18 Corn Growth Stage

V18 Stage*

Silks from the basal ear ovules elongate first. Silks from the ear tip ovules follow. Brace roots (aerial nodal roots) grow from the nodes above the soil surface to help support the plant and take in water and nutrients during the reproductive stages.


  • The plant is about a week away from silking.
  • Ear development is rapid.
  • Stress can delay ear and ovule development more than tassel development. Such a delay would mean a lag between pollen shed and silking. Severe stress may delay silking until after pollen shed, resulting in unfertilized ovules.
  • Damage (arrested ear development) has been reported from fungicide applications that included non-ionic surfactants prior to tasseling.

GDUs Required** is approximately 1,180 to reach V18 stage.
** These GDUs apply to a 105- to 110-day hybrid grown in the Central Corn Belt. Hybrid growth is influenced by the growing environment. Individual results may vary.

Scout for these Common Pests and Diseases Timing*
Corn Rootworm Larval feeding is most extensive in early through mid-July in most regions of the Corn Belt.
European Corn Borer As the true stalk develops and European corn borer larvae increase in size, larvae can be found tunneling into the stalk.
Eyespot V6 through R4. Disease primarily found in northern environments.
Goss's Wilt VE through R6. Disease primarily found in Nebraska and portions of other western states.

Click on the insect or disease for more information.

* Information from Pioneer and Iowa State University Extension.

Use this information as a guide and it should not be the only factor in making decisions.